Bolli Bear Washing Instructions

We recommend not fully submerging your hood in water unless you have to.
Spot wash as necessary where the liner meets the brow fringe and the back of the neck.

If you do need a full hood clean:

-Tub/Sink of lukewarm water 
-Small amount of Soft Soap/Mild Detergent/Gentle Shampoo 
-Wash like you would hair
-Hang or lay flat to dry.

Use a comb or pet brush to keep the direction of the fur

Front Load Machine:
-Mild detergent (a small amount careful as it will foam a lot)
-Rinse Cycle or Gentle/Delicates Wash Cycle
-Hang or lay flat to dry

Use a comb or pet brush to keep the direction of the fur

*Never use hot water OR dryer as it will damage the delicate nature of the fur*